Saturday, 5 May 2007

'Super' chocolate; slogans; Hazards of aeroplane towing

I'm not sure if this story is good news for chocophiles or bad. Actually, some of the work they're doing sounds like it could be quite useful in more general spin-offs.
Super chocolate being developed for army
"Scientists from the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) at Scottsdale in Tasmania are working on a new ... vitamin-packed dark chocolate that won't melt in the heat of battle and will last for years (AAP)" 070504/ 2/ 13cp1.html
I also note that the Cadbury chocolate factory 'betweeen the mountains and the sea' has for long been a tourist attraction in Tasmania.

T-shirts & bumper stickers that actually say funny things
T-Shirt catalogue:
Bumper stickers: (subdivided into subject sections)
The Complete List, Everything, The Whole Enchilada, Too Bloody Many Stickers:

Includes "If all the world's a stage, I want better lighting!"

Totally unrelated, this may amuse 2/ hi/ south_asia/ 6620461.stm Boeing 737 stuck in city road (in Chembur, Mumbai)
The decommissioned aircraft was being driven through the city at the weekend when the driver got lost and then abandoned the plane.
It appears that after taking a wrong turn, the driver found himself facing a flyover that was too low for him to take the plane under.
The driver has not been seen since and no-one is assuming responsibility for the 737...

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