Tuesday, 17 August 2004

Everything Old is New Again (again)

Bronze Roman cupping vessel, 1-79 AD.
[The practice went right up to nineteenth century in Europe.]
www.ingenious.org.uk/See/Medicineandhealth/ Classicalandmedievalmedicine/?target=SeeMedium& ObjectID={54682C35-B7D1-5115-7612-37AB730F1C63}&s=S1&viewby=images&

Picture Number:10289162
Credit: Science Museum/Science & Society Picture Library

This bronze cupping vessel is from Pompeii, Italy. Cupping was a popular Roman practice, which aimed to draw poisonous substances and 'vicious humours' from the body. A cup containing a piece of burning cloth was pressed onto the skin. The burning used up the oxygen in the air in the cup, producing a partial vacuum, which powerfully sucked the cup on to the body. Dry cupping was performed on unbroken skin; wet cupping covered a wound or deliberate incision, and drew out blood, pus and other body fluids.

Subject(s) > Medicine & Health > Classical & Medieval Medicine

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