Friday, 21 March 2008

Another Death; Another Good Legacy

It wasn't that far back that Paul Scofield was brought to my mind in relation to discussing Thomas More (in the 'William F Buckley, dead' thread). I watched a few online clips from A Man for All Seasons. Now he joins our other recent losses, leaving, we are comforted, a legacy we can continue to benefit from.

From The Guardian, their obituary, personal remembrances, comments from the public; and also the NY Times obit.

[Follows the recent unexpected sudden and early death of Anthony Minghella, the less-surprising, but still memorable taking away of Arthur C Clarke — much-discussed over at Making Light: Arthur C. Clarke, 1917-2008, with many links and recommendations for reading.]

Sigh. Six Apart, further apart

Darkrose (you are so good to me eggplant mike) has put up a translation of an interview with LJ's recent owner (a Russian). It's not happy reading. 373663.html — The Rodney McKay Principle of Consumerism as applied to LiveJournal