November 2005: Sir Christopher Meyer recounts details from his time as British ambassador to the US in his book DC Confidential, serialised in the Guardian.,12956,1636156,00.htmlNo 10's vendetta with the embassy in Washington,11538,1637363,00.htmlNovember 9: Sir Christopher Meyer recalls his battle of wills with Blair aides during the prime minister's trip to New York in the wake of 9/11
The pygmies in Tony Blair's cabinet,12956,1636675,00.htmlNovember 8: In the second extract from his memoirs, Sir Christopher Meyer is scathing about some Labour ministers - among them Jack Straw, John Prescott and Geoff Hoon.
08.11.05: Meyer reveals 'Blair's pygmies' Tony Blair and the wooing of America,12956,1636027,00.htmlNovember 7: Sir Christopher Meyer was uniquely placed to track the PM's White House charm offensive. In this first extract from his memoirs, he reveals how Labour grew to admire the Republicans.
07.11.05, extract:
How Britain failed to check Bush07.11.05, extract:
Playing to the crowd07.11.05, extract:
The case of the wrong trousers07.11.05, extract:
Seduced by the glamour of American power07.11.05:
Blair's litany of failures on Iraq - ambassador's verdict07.11.05,
leader: Delayed dispatchesInterview A political war that backfiredNovember 5, interview: Christopher Meyer In advance of publication of his memoirs, Britain's former ambassador to the US reveals why he supported the war in Iraq but is far from happy about the aftermath.
Iraq war has exposed us to terror at home, says MeyerCommentSorry, Sir Christopher, he wasn't even in with a shoutNovember 9, Simon Jenkins: Blair had no leverage on Iraq with Washington's neocons - but, like Wilson over Vietnam, he did have a choice.